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Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands (DRIFT)

Publication date: 2014

Dutch Research Institute for Transitions at the Erasmus University (DRIFT) - Netherlands

DRIFT is a leading research institute in transitions towards sustainability. We combine cutting edge research at the intersection of theory and practice with high-level advisory and training programs for governmental institutions, businesses and intermediary organizations.


Flor Avelino, Julia Wittmayer, Helmi Hansma, Derk Loorbach, Jan Rotmans and Matthew Bach

Main activities 

DRIFT Institute coordinates the research, communication, engagement and management activities of  TRANSIT Project.

Social Innovation Networks researched

Together with COPPE-UFRJ; “The Impact Hub”. And together with GWN BOKU; “The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)”.

What it is The Impact Hub?

According to the research insights, the “Hub” is a ‘locally active and globally connected’ network of social entrepreneurs, combining elements from co-working spaces, innovation labs and business incubators.

What it is GEN?

The GEN is a network of more than 500 ecovillages and other intentional communities across the globe. It also has 5 regional network subdivisions for the continents, Europe, Africa, Oceania & Asia, North America, and Latin America.

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