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Who were the TRANSIT research partners?


Dutch Research Institute For Transitions

DRIFT is a leading research institute in transitions towards sustainability. We combine cutting edge research at the intersection of theory and practice with high-level advisory and training programs for governmental institutions, businesses and intermediary organisations. 

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Institute for Housing & Urban Development Studies

IHS is the international institute of urban management of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Today IHS is utilizing its extensive experience in applied knowledge in urban management and development to assist individuals, organizations and cities to find practical and relevant solutions to issues faced in cities and by urban professionals. Through this, IHS aims to enable cities worldwide to plan their own futures.

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International Centre for Integrated assessment and Sustainable development

ICIS, at the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Maastricht University, was founded in 1998. ICIS addresses complex issues facing the planet and its inhabitants. Its aims are to conduct research and provide education in the fields of integrated assessment and sustainable development.

The ICIS organization is multidisciplinary; it has a mix of national and international, globalised, youthful people. ICIS researchers in the natural and social sciences work together in pursuit of solutions to real world problems. Such integrative studies involve analysis of the causes, effects and the mutual interlinkages between economic, environmental, institutional and socio-cultural processes associated with a specific environment or complex issue (e.g. tourism, health, water, mobility). These interdisciplinary analyses complemented with participatory processes involving stakeholders usually form the basis for the development of visions and long-term strategies.

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Science, Society, Sustainability (3s group), University of East Anglia 

Established in early 2011, and building on a tradition of leading environmental social science research at UEA, we are a group of faculty, researchers and postgraduate students taking forward critical social science approaches to researching the social and political dimensions of environment and sustainability issues.

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Université Libre de Bruxelles, Centre de'Etudes du Développement Durable Institut de Gestion de l' Environment et d' Aménagement du Territoire.

The Institute for Environmental Management and Land-use Planning (Institut de Gestion de l'Environnement et d'Aménagement du Territoire - IGEAT) engages in interdisciplinary research in the areas of the environment, spatial and regional planning,  and tourism, and coordinates university teaching at the Master’s and doctoral levels in environmental studies and tourism. Since 2006, the Institute is a department of the Faculty of Sciences of the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

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Centre for Design, Innovation and Sustainable Transitions (DIST)
Department of Development and Planning Aalborg University

The complexity and challenges of sustainable development call for new understandings of the socio-technical and economic dynamics involved and for experimenting with alternative courses of action.

The Center for Design, Innovation and Sustainable Transition – DIST – brings together researchers from the humanities, the technical and social sciences to address these issues.

Grounded within the tradition of science and technology studies, the Center is dedicated to conducting research on the socio-technical and economic dynamics of moving towards more sustainable societies and to developing modes of intervention that engage a broad array of actors.

This dual approach provides a unique setting for collaboration. The DIST ambition is to work closely together with external partners to change existing development paths while continuing to advance new research agendas.

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Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex

With almost 50 years of experience, SPRU is internationally recognised as a leading centre of research on science, technology and innovation policy.

Founded in 1966 by Christopher Freeman, a pioneer of what is now known as innovation studies, SPRU was one of the first interdisciplinary research centres in the field of science and technology policy and management.

Today, with over 50 faculty members, SPRU remains at the forefront of new ideas, problem-orientated research, inspiring teaching, and creative, high impact engagement with decision makers across government, business and civil society.

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Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes 

The Institute for the Study of Science and Technology, National University of Quilmes is a center dedicated to interdisciplinary research, teaching, outreach, extension and technical assistance on issues of science, technology, innovation and development.

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Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute - Graduate School and Research in Engineering, The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro is distinguished by three features – academic excellence, full-time faculty members and students, and commitment to society. COPPE has distinguished itself through its work to increase understanding and produce highly qualified professionals and innovative teaching methods, thereby serving as a model for other universities and research institutes across the country.

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People-Environment Research Group

El Grupo de Investigación Persona-Ambiente de la Universidad de A Coruña

The People-Environment Research Group, University of A Coruña, was formed in 1995. Since then the group has carried out continuous research into the specific applied field of Environmental Psychology and Environmental Education, as well as in the interdisciplinary field of People-Environment Studies, by conducting applied research, publications and articles in journals and proceedings of international conferences and symposia.

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Centre for Global Change and Sustainability (GWN) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria

The inter- and transdisciplinary Centre for Global Change and Sustainability supports the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in realizing its societal responsibility by networking between institutes, departments, platforms and initiatives in their research and teaching in the areas of global change and sustainability (e.g. climate change, sustainable concepts for ensuring global food security, transportation, waste management, water supply and use). It is a motor and provides impetus for ideas regarding topics of global change and sustainable development.

This work involves networking, cooperation, knowledge exchange and synthesis in research but also in teaching, policy advice and public relations. Furthermore, these cooperative and networking activities of the Centre extend to national and international research institutes and organizations. It offers a learning environment for complex relationships and innovative ideas. As such the Centre contributes toward communicating concepts for the future to society.

The Centre was involved in multiple EU-research projects in the past.

More information: Center for Global Change and Sustainability


The Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG) 

The Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG) started in September 2004, as an informal research group, in the Department of Environmental Economics, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management (IELM) at the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of St. István University, Gödöllő, Hungary. The group was comprised of university professors and PhD students belonging to various disciplines ranging from agri-environmental engineering through economics to sociology.

ESSRG has become a small research and development company established by researchers of different disciplines looking for autonomy and enjoying working together on the boundaries of environmental and social sciences. ESSRG aims to apply and develop social science research methods in order to assist communities and decision makers with their efforts whereby transforming our societies towards social justice and ecological sustainability.

More information: The Environmental Social Science Research Group

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