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Centre for Global Change and Sustainability (GWN) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria

Publication date: 2014

The inter- and transdisciplinary Centre for Global Change and Sustainability supports the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in realizing its societal responsibility by networking between institutes, departments, platforms and initiatives in their research and teaching in the areas of global change and sustainability (e.g. climate change, sustainable concepts for ensuring global food security, transportation, waste management, water supply and use). It is a motor and provides impetus for ideas regarding topics of global change and sustainable development.

This work involves networking, cooperation, knowledge exchange and synthesis in research but also in teaching, policy advice and public relations. Furthermore, these cooperative and networking activities of the Centre extend to national and international research institutes and organizations. It offers a learning environment for complex relationships and innovative ideas. As such the Centre contributes toward communicating concepts for the future to society.

The Centre was involved in multiple EU- research projects in the past.

Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helga Kromp-Kolb. You can find more information on the website of the Center for Global Change and Sustainability

Researcher: Dr. Iris Kunze


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