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Nothing ventured, nothing gained : addressing the critical gaps in risk-taking capital for social enterprise

Authors: Emerson, Jed; Freundlich Tim; Fruchterman, Jim; Berlin, Loren and Stevenson, Keely
Publication date: 2007
Keywords: social entrepreneurs, financing, investment

The worldwide growth of social enterprise is threatened by a dearth of capital. social enterprises need investment to grow and to innovate – investment that takes on the risk of the enterprise. This kind of capital cannot easily be pieced together from limited grants, conventional equity and ill-fitted debt. As increasing numbers of social entrepreneurs and mission-based financiers seek to enter the field, a question arises: Can the sector develop new instruments and stakeholder relationships to meet this challenge? [Author's introduction].


Emerson, Jed; Freundlich, Tim; Fruchterman, Jim; Berlin, Loren and Stevenson, Keely (2007) Nothing ventured, nothing gained : addressing the critical gaps in risk-taking capital for social enterprise, (Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship Working Paper) Said Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford: UK

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