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launch of Impact HUB Vienna

Date interview: May 31 2016
Name interviewer: Iris Kunze (BOKU)
Name interviewee: Matthias Reisinger
Position interviewee: Co-Founder & Director Impact Hub Vienna

Academic organizations New Knowing Lobbying Reputation/legitimacy Breakthrough International networks Motivation Business models Values Identity

This is a CTP of initiative: Impact Hub Vienna (Austria)

The launch of HUB Vienna was organized as an event on social business with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus. Supported by the local actors ‘Erste Bank’ and ‘Erste Stiftung’ it was also the kick-off event of the ‘social business tour’ in Europe. Both had an impact on the popularity of Impact HUB Vienna.


Supported by the local actors ‘Erste Bank’ and ‘Erste Stiftung’. The popularity of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus had an effect on the presence of Impact HUB in the media.

Related events

May 2010, kick-off event of the ‘social business tour’ in Europe



The launching and kick-off event was planned on purpose. Also inviting the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus was intended to have an effect on the media presence of Impact HUB Vienna.


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