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Internationalization and expansion to Eastern Europe

Date interview: May 31 2016
Name interviewer: Iris Kunze (BOKU)
Name interviewee: Christine Spernbauer
Position interviewee: Program Director, Impact Hub Vienna

Supranational government Social-spatial relations Regional organizations New Doing Networking Motivation International networks Finance Emergence Competence development

This is a CTP of initiative: Impact Hub Vienna (Austria)

The Impact HUB Vienna started as steering office with the ‘Investment ready’ and the ‘social impact award’, which both has become increasingly international over the years. Social Impact Award invites students from Austria, the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia. They are funded via Impact HUB Vienna to develop their own ideas for projects that solve societal problems through entrepreneurial, creative solutions. Expert juries in each country evaluate ideas and give feedback to all projects submitted. This has resulted in a quite international atmosphere also of members being physical present in Impact HUB Vienna.


The initiation point of the CTP was when Impact HUB Vienna was awarded with the jump start award of AWS (Austrian economic service), an important public grant for start-ups in 2015. The award fostered the standing of Impact HUB in the area of hosting and steering start-up programs. It caused an intense increase in international funding programs. Especially connections to Eastern European countries have intensified since then. The partner network in international program funding is ‘Austrian development agency’ ADA.

Related events

For finding international partners in first Central European and then Eastern European countries, a lot of effort was put into building connections with social entrepreneurs in these countries.



The expansion to Eastern European countries was intended but could only be realized unless the ‘jump start’ grant which could not be anticipated.


Networking instead of competition has been perceived as important. Networking with governmental and academic institutions for collaboration in educating young academics and preparing them for a transnational economy.

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